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Compare Andes to Amazon by Exodus Travels vs Ecuador - Northern: Eastern Andes: Paramo & Cloud Forest II 2021 by Rockjumper Birding

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Duration 14 days 7 days
Price From $ 3,825 $ 2,495
Price Per Day $ 273 $ 356
  • Visit colonial Quito, the Otavalo indigenous market and Cuenca's Unesco reserve
  • Stay overnight in the peaceful Bellavista Cloud Forest Reserve
  • Spend two nights soaking up the sounds of the Amazon Rainforest
  • Visit the ruins of Ingapirca and Cajas National Park
  • Take a mangrove boat trip by the Pacific coast and visit a cacao plantation
  • Andean Condor
  • Carunculated Caracara
  • Torrent Duck
  • Andean Teal
  • Andean Duck
  • Andean Coot
  • Silvery Grebe
  • Black-faced Ibis
  • Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe
  • Andean Gull
  • Andean Lapwing
  • Black-winged Ground Dove
  • Ecuadorian Hillstar
  • Giant Hummingbird
  • Sword-billed Hummingbird
  • Viridian Metaltail
  • Collared Inca
  • Long-tailed Sylph
  • Tourmaline Sunangel
  • Chestnut-breasted Coronet
  • White-bellied Woodstar
  • Glowing Puffleg
  • Shining Sunbeam
  • Black-tailed Trainbearer
  • Rainbow-bearded Thornbill
  • Blue-mantled Thornbill
  • San Isidro “mystery” Owl
  • Rufous-bellied Nighthawk
  • Andean Potoo
  • White-capped Parrot
  • Grey-breasted Mountain Toucan
  • Black-billed Mountain Toucan
  • Masked Trogon
  • Golden-headed and Crested Quetzal
  • Crimson-mantled Woodpecker
  • Andean Motmot
  • Long-tailed Tapaculo
  • Paramo Tapaculo
  • Bicolored Antvireo
  • Tawny Antpitta
  • White-bellied Antpitta
  • Peruvian Antpitta
  • Slate-crowned Antpitta
  • Crescent-faced Antpitta
  • Andean Tit-Spinetail
  • Stout-billed and Bar-winged Cinclodes
  • Many-striped Canastero
  • Flammulated Treehunter
  • Pearled Treerunner
  • Streaked Tuftedcheek
  • Olive-backed Woodcreeper
  • Greater Scythebill
  • Black-billed Shrike-Tyrant
  • Paramo Ground Tyrant
  • Red-rumped Bush Tyrant
  • Agile Tit-Tyrant
  • Marbled-faced and Variegated Bristle Tyrants
  • Sulphur-bellied Tyrannulet
  • Barred Becard
  • Handsome Flycatcher
  • Inca Jay
  • Paramo Pipit
  • Black-billed Peppershrike
  • Russet-crowned Warbler
  • Black-eared Hemispingus
  • Black-backed Bush Tanager
  • Buff-breasted
  • Masked
  • Blue-winged and Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanagers
  • Saffron-crowned
  • Beryl-spangled
  • Flame-faced
  • Black-capped
  • Grass-green
  •   Golden-crowned and White-capped Tanagers
  • Chestnut-breasted Chlorophonia
  • Bluish Flowerpiercer
  • Golden-collared Honeycreeper
  • Pale-naped Brushfinch
  • Subtropical Cacique
Trip Style Small group tour Small group tour
Lodging Level Standard Standard
Physical Level
  • 3- Moderate
  • 3- Moderate
Travel Themes
  • Cultural
  • Nature & Wildlife
  • National Parks
  • Nature & Wildlife
  • Birding
  • National Parks
  • Eco, Sustainable & Green Travel
Countries Visited
Cities and Attractions
  • Cuenca
  • Guayaquil
  • Quito
Flights & Transport Ground transport included Ground transport included
  • Culture
  • Nature
  • Wildlife viewing
  • Bird watching
  • Educational/ learning
  • Nature
  • Wildlife viewing
Meals Included All breakfasts, five lunches and three dinners are included. Hotel breakfasts are normally buffets with toast, cereal, eggs, fruits and tea/coffee. For lunch and dinner, the tour leader will recommend various options in convenient locations, usually booking restaurants and eating with the group. Vegetarians can be catered for but please inform us before departure of any special dietary requests. N/A

Andean ranges, colonial landmarks, effervescent indigenous markets and verdant cloud forests are just the start of the wonders we see on this Ecuadorian adventure. We also follow the Avenue of the Volcanoes where we glimpse the snow-capped peaks of Cayambe and Chimborazo, and stay in the Amazon Rainforest, which we share with monkeys and more. It finished on the Pacific coast, where we take to boats to navigate mangroves and visit a cacao plantation – a fitting end to a trip packed with adventure and culture.Discover the best of mainland Ecuador: wildlife, jungles, volcanoes and coast

2021 Prices are an estimate, dates are not confirmed and may change.

This tour is a great introduction to birding the mighty Andes of South America. We will explore the vast east-slope for its local specialities and visit a wide array of different habitats and elevations. Travelling from snow-capped volcanoes down to pristine cloud forests will be an incredible experience with superb birding and scenery each day! Stunning species that we will be searching forinclude Andean Condor, Carunculated Caracara, Ecuadorian Hillstar, Giant Hummingbird, Sword-billed Hummingbird, Torrent Duck, Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe, Grey-breasted Mountain Toucan, Inca Jay, White-bellied Antpitta, San Isidro “mystery” Owl, Masked Trogon, Golden-headed and Crested Quetzal just to mention a few! Rare species that we will target include Black-faced Ibis, Andean Potoo, Red-rumped Bush Tyrant, Greater Scythebill, Bicolored Antvireo, Peruvian Antpitta, Crescent-faced Antpitta, White-capped Tanager and Masked Mountain Tanager. A great network of birding reserves together with good infrastructure, unsurpassable scenery and friendly people make the eastern Andes of Ecuador one of the world’s key birding destinations.

Itinerary: Andes to Amazon

Day 1 Start Quito

Welcome to Quito, the capital of Ecuador. There’s a free transfer from the airport to the hotel for all customers today, please read the joining instructions for more details. Accommodation: Hotel Vieja Cuba (or similar)

Day 2 Quito city tour; Bellavista Cloud Forest Reserve

A short walking tour of Quito this morning is the perfect opportunity to meet your guide and get to know your fellow travellers. The heart of old Quito is a colonial masterpiece and the capital is widely regarded as one of the most beautiful cities in South America, as well as being a Unesco-listed site. Leaving Quito, we head to the Bellavista Cloud Forest on the northwestern slopes of the Andes. En route, we stop at the Intiñan Equator Museum, an interactive outdoors museum that sits directly on the middle of the earth. Here, a guide takes us around the exhibits and we can do fun science experiments only possible at the equator, while also collecting a stamp in our passports to say we have been on the equatorial line. After, we continue to Bellavista. Situated at the top of the Tandayapa Valley, it is a private reserve bursting with orchids, bromeliads, toucans, tanagers and hummingbirds. The area is a paradise for naturalists with a vast network of hiking trails. Accommodation: Bellavista Cloud Forest Reserve & Lodge (or similar)

Day 3 Spot birds in Bellavista; to hacienda

We have an early start this morning to appreciate the diversity of Bellavista and spot some of the many resident bird species – there are 20 hummingbird species here alone! Following this morning's excursion, we drive towards northern Ecuador and the beautiful hacienda that will be our home for the next few nights. Accommodation: Hosteria Pantavi (or similar)

Day 4 Visit San Clemente indigenous community

After breakfast, we travel towards the foothills of the Imbabura Volcano where the indigenous community of San Clemente resides at 9,515ft (2,900m). The community consists of several families whose main livelihood is farming and agriculture. We have a guided tour by one of the families, who introduces us to native and medicinal plants, explains traditional embroidery techniques, tells us about their culture and shows us the day-to-day activities that take place here. A traditional lunch will be prepared using locally grown produce. This afternoon, we drive back to our hacienda with the rest of the day free to relax in the beautiful gardens. Accommodation: Hosteria Pantavi (or similar)

Day 5 Walk at Cuicocha Crater Lake; visit Otavalo

We start with a drive to Cuicocha Crater Lake at approximately 10,665ft (3,250m). This beautiful caldera (volcanic crater) is about 2mi (3km) wide and was formed more than 3,000 years ago by a massive volcanic eruption. We start with a scenic walk (up to three hours) along one section of the lake to take in the impressive scenery. We then continue to Otavalo, which is situated in a valley at 7,380ft (2,250m) with a bustling indigenous market. There are many stalls and the local people wear colourful traditional clothing, a fantastic introduction to Andean life and a good place to pick up souvenirs. We have time to soak up the atmosphere before continuing to our overnight stay, a 400-year-old colonial hacienda. Accommodation: Hacienda San José de Puembo (or similar)

Day 6 Visit Papallacta Hot Springs; to Amazon Rainforest

A short drive over the dramatic (and breathless at 13,350ft/4,069m) Papallacta Pass. East of Quito, the Papallacta Hot Springs are regarded as the nicest in Ecuador. We have time to bathe in both hot and cold pools as the snow-capped Antisana Volcano looms over the horizon. We continue our journey, driving around the volcano flanks before a descent into the Amazon Basin to our rainforest lodge. After a short briefing, we take a night walk to discover our new surroundings; there are fantastic night-time sounds to listen out for, a wonderful experience amid the rainforest humidity. Accommodation: Liana Lodge (or similar)

Day 7 Rainforest exploration; AmaZoonico Animal Rescue Centre

Today we discover the Amazon Basin on foot, the incredible biodiversity explained by our indigenous guide. There is a good chance of seeing kingfishers, parrots, oropendolas and other bird species. We have a good chance of seeing squirrel and capuchin monkeys, although other larger mammals are considerably more shy and harder to spot. The insect life is also fascinating, with beautiful butterflies flashing by and army and leafcutter ants on patrol. We also visit the AmaZoonico Animal Rescue Centre where we can see some of the larger forest inhabitants, such as tapirs, capibaras, peccaries and various monkey species. Accommodation: Liana Lodge (or similar)

Day 8 To Baños; visit Devil's Cauldron waterfall

We begin the wonderfully scenic drive west along the Road of the Waterfalls with spectacular views of the upper Amazon Basin and the Andes. The climb back to the highlands is mesmerising as we watch the ecology change and many waterfalls cascade from the high peaks into the lush valley of the Pastaza River. There are good photo opportunities along the way, including a visit to the Pailon del Diablo (Devil's Cauldron) waterfall. We continue to Baños, a picturesque hot spring and pilgrim town adjacent to the 16,400ft (5,000m) tall Tungurahua volcano. In the late afternoon, we have a walking tour of Baños with an optional visit to the thermal baths. Accommodation: La Floresta Hotel (or similar)

Day 9 Walk in Chimborazo National Park

We drive to the Chimborazo region for a short walk (around two hours) in Chimborazo National Park, climbing from 15,090ft to 16,400ft (4,600m to 5,000m). Given the altitude, we take the climb slowly with plenty of stops to enjoy the view. Due to the equatorial bulge, the Chimborazo summit is the furthest place from the centre of the earth. In the national park, there are good possibilities to observe vicuñas, a relative of the llama. This afternoon, we continue south to Riobamba. Accommodation: Hacienda Abraspungo (or similar)

Day 10 To Ingapirca and Cuenca

We have an early start today as we head to Cuenca, stopping to visit the Balbanera Church before continuing to Ingapirca, the largest Inca ruins in Ecuador. The Inca empire stretched along the Andes north through Ecuador into Colombia and south through Peru and deep into Chile. Ingapirca has fine examples of their famed brickwork plus a solar observatory. We descend from the highlands to colonial Cuenca where we stay for the next two nights. Accommodation: Hotel Carvallo (or similar)

Day 11 Half-day city tour of Cuenca

Like the old centre in Quito, Cuenca is a Unesco World Heritage site and a charming place to explore. A guided tour this morning takes into the remarkably intact old town, where many artisans have taken up residence amid the narrow colonial streets and famous landmarks. The afternoon is free to discover the town at your own leisure. Accommodation: Hotel Carvallo (or similar)

Day 12 Walk in Cajas National Park; to Las Chorreras

A short drive this morning brings us to Cajas National Park, known as the Gateway to the Snowy Mountains in Quichua. This is a stunning area of lofty peaks, lagoons, lakes and rivers amid pristine paramo vegetation. During a walk of around two hours, we may encounter some of the 125 bird species recorded here, such as yellow-billed pintails, Ecuadorian hillstars or violet-throated metaltails. We stay in a hotel close to Cajas National Park for our last night in the Andean Highlands before we descend towards the coast. Accommodation: Hosteria Dos Chorreras (or similar)

Day 13 Mangrove boat trip; visit cacao plantation

Today we descend towards the Pacific and visit the Manglares Churute Ecological Reserve where we take a boat through mangrove forest. This important ecosystem has both red and black mangrove species and provides opportunities for seeing several aquatic birds and other wildlife along the many small river inlets. In the afternoon, we visit a cacao plantation to learn about the production of one of Ecuador's biggest exports. We then travel to Guayaquil, the main port town in Ecuador, for our final evening together. Accommodation: Grand Hotel Guayaquil (or similar)

Day 14 Depart Guayaquil

The trip comes to an end today after breakfast and it's time to bid Ecuador and the rest of the group goodbye and begin our return journey home.

Itinerary: Ecuador - Northern: Eastern Andes: Paramo & Cloud Forest II 2021
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